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Temat: What does this site need?
Without reviewing the site -- the first thing every website needs is a creative brain. It doesn't have to belong to the webmaster -- these days, small websites are brain-dead easy to set up, and anyone with even a minimum-wage 1960's-era secretarial/steno pool skillset could set up a medium-size site using HTML-page- typing programs like Fontplague. But somewhere there needs to be someone who has something to say: you know, answers worth hearing to questions like: "who are you, what do you know, what happened to you, what have you done lately, what would you do for money?" With that, then you're about to have a website: PROTECT the person-with-the-brain from hostile art critics, give him a keyboard and notepad, and let him create. Without that, you have...
Źródło: resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=40365

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