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Temat: [API] zdarzenie ListBoxClick
O to chodzi? Jak tak to RTFM! LB_SETANCHORINDEX Sets the item that the mouse last selected to a given item. LB_SETCARETINDEX Sets the focus rectangle to a given list box item. LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH Sets the width, in pixels, of all columns in a list box. LB_SETCOUNT Sets the number of items in a list box. LB_SETCURSEL Selects a given list box item. LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT Sets the scrollable width, in pixels, of a list box. LB_SETITEMDATA Associates a 32-bit value with a list box item. LB_SETITEMHEIGHT Sets the height, in pixels, of an item or items in a list box. LB_SETLOCALE Sets the locale of a list box and returns the previous locale identifier. LB_SETSEL Selects an item in a multiple-selection list box. LB_SETTABSTOPS Sets the tab stops to those specified in a given array. LB_SETTOPINDEX Scrolls the list box so the specified item is at the top of the visible range....

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