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Temat: Guild Wars v.s. World of WarCraft v.s. Lieneage II
...dzien dluzej. Gra jest lipa, bo ma abonament... zalosne?-.- Gralem we wszystkie 3, chociaz w wow'a najwiecej, co chyba daje juz jasna odpowiedz... tak na oficialu, bo piraty ssa-.- WoW: +grafika +raidy (PRO!) +Areny +Outlands +zroznicowane lokacje -strasznie sie sypie, przy czestych minimalizacjach Klimus: co rozumiesz poprzez "słaby ogólnie"? xD bo dla mnie np. niewidzialne sciany w GW sa slabe, crafting system ktory potrafi wszystko zepsuc w L2 tez jest slaby...

Temat: Ciekawe linki crafting/0,1788,HGTV_3352,00.html

Tabele i dane statystyczne znajdziecie tu: crafting%20august%202001.htm

Temat: pielgrzymi katoliccy
...że monotonnia własnego rozwoju coraz bardziej sprowadza cię do znanego poziomu drzazgarza. Będąc optymistą początkowo zakładałem, że na tym forum tylko drzazgarz może być takim nieszczęśliwym wypadkiem przy pracy. Tymczasem do spółki z gerwazjuszem zaczynacie tworzyć trio dosyć charakterystyczny środowiskowy folklor ludzi objętych zaidoktrywanymi komplekasmi. Monotonnia tych samych prymitywnych questów, żenujący crafting i wręcz zerowy build podwłosienicowy wydaje się dopełniać reszty tego o0brazu ;))

Temat: narodziny totalitaryzmu w USA
i to Pentagon censors images of US soldiers’ coffins returning from Iraq By Bill Van Auken 24 April 2004 Back to screen version | Send this link by email | Email the author The release this week of hundreds of photos of flag-draped coffins returning from Iraq has triggered a furor in the Pentagon and the White House. For an administration that firmly believes it can mold public opinion by manipulating images and crafting lies, the widespread publication of these all- too-real images of the grim cost of the Iraq war came as an unwelcome shock. The first of the photos—depicting a long row of coffins, three abreast, on a military transport plane—came from a civilian contract worker assigned to the Kuwait airport. After its appearance in the Seattle Times, she was summarily fired from her job. Then hundreds of photographs were posted on the Web...

Temat: Nasi czarni bracia
...banishment of an offender who has already served his time, who is working, drug and alcohol free and under the supervision of federal probation officers? The answer is obvious to Jackson's family and others who are critical of banishment. "I say no matter what, if a person is trying to help himself and being good and working, they should have a chance," says Jim Wilson, 78, Jackson's grandfather. A member of the tribal council, he is faced with crafting a banishment policy that could affect three of his own grandchildren. Althea Wilson, 40, Jackson's mother — and a former Lummi tribal police officer — says banishment is no answer. "I don't think that kind of dictatorship works for a native community," Wilson says. "I thought we were talking about healing. My idea of that is growth and change and possibilities and future, not throwing someone out like a piece...

Temat: Nu , felusiak ,...
Happy Thanksgiving , bufonie ,... ============================================================================== Rattling the Cage: Wise men and rednecks ================================================ Larry Derfner, THE JERUSALEM POST Nov. 22, 2006 Jimmy Carter, James Baker and George H.W. Bush are in the news. Carter has a new book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. Baker is crafting a new Middle East policy for America. Papa Bush's "realist" foreign policy is being vindicated by his son's misadventures, and his men are moving back into power in Washington. Naturally, Israelis are filled with dread. As far as they're concerned, the title of Carter's book tells you everything you need to know about how he feels toward Israel. As for Baker, didn't he say "F

Temat: thrusting sword
Użytkownik "Pawel F. Gora" <ł w wiadomości "MartaMaria" <MartaDmit@aster.plin <42946337$0$2128$f69f@mamut2.aster.plwrote: | "A common, lightweight thrusting sword. but of exceptional crafting" | Jak byście przetłumaczyli? | Zwłaszcza to "thrusting"? Nic mądrzejszego od "służący do zadawania pchnięć" (w odróżnieniu od "cięć") nie przychodzi mi do głowy. Tu (i gdzie indziej) piszą o "broni kolnej" (w odróżnieniu od "broni siecznej") - brzmi nieźle, ale "miecz kolny" ma w guglu tylko cztery...

Temat: Szukam jakis dobrych serwerów na Lineage 2
To zalezy czy szukasz servera pvp/pk (fun) czy normalnego ;] crafting etc ;]

Temat: Gry podobne do...
Runes of Magic. Najlepszy klon WOWa jaki powstał. Pełno addonów do niego więc na bank Ci się spodoba Crafting bogaty jak choroba. Postacie dwu klasowe Te do jazdy na nich można mieć od razu bo sie je kupuje na czas (wada, ale lekka). Osobiście ściągam go właśnie i myślę nad serwerem PVP na bank ale który

Temat: Caroline Glick
...attack, Israel must control territory and actively destroy its enemies' missile arsenals in their silos. Hizbullah would never have been able to launch its war if Barak hadn't withdrawn the IDF from Lebanon in 2000. A common thread runs through Olmert and Barak's fairytales. The Israeli public has no role to play in either of them. Both policies start from the assumption that the interests and opinions of the public are irrelevant and its participation in crafting and implementing national policies is undesirable. For Olmert and Barak, the citizens of Israel are mere spectators in their government-produced reality TV shows. Many factors contribute to the fact that Olmert's unpopular government is able to cling to power and behave as if there is nothing wrong. But the main cause for the government's longevity is the deep crisis which plagues Israel's democratic system. In Sharansky's view, there...

Temat: Malowanie na szkle okiennym sztucznym śniegiem
Czy to sie na cos przyda? Crafting/Stenciling/holidaySelections.asp

Temat: Pomóżmy sobie na wzajem;),1789,HGTV_3255_2856590,00.html pomysly, wzory do sciagniecia w pdf: Crafting dla koralikowcow: motywy kwiatowe do wydrukowania: wzory do wykorzystania przy np. malowaniu na szkle lub materiale: motywy na aplikacje: wzory na...

Temat: Nowy High Rate Serwer "l2-hero" x500 Interlude
...Są oni przyjaźnie nastawieni do graczy, odpowiadają na pytania, organizują eventy i ogólnie angażują się, ale nie pomagają graczom i nie są skorumpowani co utrzymuje równowagę na serwerze. Oto opis: ~~~L2-Hero~~~ Interlude EXP:500x SP:500x ADENA: 1000x Spoil: 5 Drop: 1x Dynasty armors SA Dynasty SA Weapons Olympiad-Hero(Become a hero and rule our world) Nobless-Subclass- Quest items in Shop! 4 Custom zones for Farming and PVPING Crafting New server! SAFE enchant weapons+7 max +30(70% chance for weps) SAFE enchant armor and jwl +7 max+25 (65% chance) Augment System 2H Buffs (Make Aios Active) Sub-Classe System Free ( 3 Subs Per Char ) All skills working Maximum of 3 clans per ally Auto learn skills Auto soulshot AutoLoot ( Auto Pick Up Drops) Hero system and hero skills Heroes every 10 days !!!! Special Drops Medals Npc Buffer in Towns and in some Farm Custom areas Global GK GM-...

Temat: Które MMORPG?
Zdecydowanie wow jesli masz pieniadze to pograj z tydzien i idz na retaila bo to zdecydowanie inna bajka (sie zrymowało) Ogolnie wow daje graczowi duzo mozliwosci: Np robienie q instancji ogolnie pve gdzie mozemy zbierac itemy zarowno z instancji jak i te z crafting(duzo słabsze) Rozwijamy profesje ktorych jest ponad 5 sa tez 3 poboczne ktore pomoga nam w grze tj fishing coocking i first aid Na głownych profesjach mozemy zarobic pieniadze ktore przydadza nam sie w grze Takze gracze ktorzy lubia pvp (player versus player) znajda cos dla ciebie bo za dobra gre wygrana na battlegroundach arenach itp dostajemy marki arena punkty i honor ktory mozemy wymienic na rownie wypasione itemy Gra oferuje nam tez...

Temat: The New Yorker: USA chcą wojny z Iranem
...why would anyone in their right mind care what people think, unless they are blindly and unthinkingly opposed to Islamofascism? The second part of any nation's covert political action plan is to be ready to exploit or redress unexpected developments within the target society. Last month, Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt provided such an environment when they published a lengthy study showing the strong influence the Israeli lobby has on the crafting and application of U.S. foreign policy toward the Islamic world. If American society had its head screwed on right, the collective response of the citizenry would have been, "DUH!" – signifying that the near-determinative nature of Israeli influence is so clear that no academic analysis of that fact is necessary. Instead, the reaction from American elites has been that of Captain Renault in Casablanca – they are...

Temat: thrusting sword
"A common, lightweight thrusting sword. but of exceptional crafting" Jak byście przetłumaczyli? Zwłaszcza to "thrusting"? No i na pewno nie była to "dwójka" czyli miecz dwuręczny, ani nawet półtorak. Jeśli lekki to "jednoręczny"? Marta

Temat: koszyczek wielkanocny - proszę o link jak wykonać
jeszcze ten się zawieruszył crafting/article/0,,HGTV_3352_1862355,00.html pzdr.

Temat: craft books
moze te? Amanda Soule ma b. fajny blog: crafting with kids on soulemama:

Temat: czy moze mi ktos wytlumaczyc te slowka??PROSZE

Temat: "Sezon na kleszcza"
...deer in the Northeastern and upper Midwest states, and along the northern Pacific coast of California." It also asserts that transmission of Borrelia is unlikely to occur if a tick is removed from the skin within 36 hours of infestation. "I liken this to a World War II image," Warner says. "There is a huge difference between saying, 'There is no sub in the harbor,' and saying, 'We didn't find a sub in the harbor but you need to be careful.' " Crafting the right message is a quandary for public health officials, however. "Trying to communicate complex subjects in public health is difficult," Haramis says. The result oftentimes is advice that Warner and others find overly reassuring. "I'm amazed at how dependent people are on the message when they go to the CDC site," Warner says. "It's the gospel." MEANWHILE, THE landscape continues to change....

Temat: RuneScape
Da sie ale tam crafting +20 chyba trza mieć

Temat: --------------------AQUANET-----------------------
...salary - for example, the position of "clandestine service trainee" pays up to $49,831. Although the Mossad is not ready to give out that kind of information, sources say the main post they are seeking to fill is that of katza, or information-gathering officer. This post, the heart of any intelligence network, involves recruiting operatives and informers in foreign countries, especially those with access to classified information. The job of crafting the new recruiting campaign fell to Publicis-Ariely, one of the largest ad agencies in the country that handles Bezeq, Bank Leumi, Osem and Nestle. CEO Tal-Shir says his first task was to build confidence with senior Mossad officials who had spent their careers concealing the nature of their work. While the CIA and MI5 have steadily been opening up to the public, the Mossad does not appear to be following this trend. It still has no spokesman,...

Temat: Jorma Kaukonen - River Of Time (2009)
...songs are Jorma originals, a prolific showcase with themes of family, friends and inspired memory throughout. The album also revisits the blues and country music that Jorma first fell in love with in his youth, featuring bright new interpretations of Mississippi John Hurt, Merle Haggard and Rev. Gary Davis...and pays tribute to old friend "Pigpen" Ron McKernan on the Grateful Dead's "Operator." Whether reinterpreting classics or crafting new originals and shimmering instrumentals, RIVER OF TIME finds Jorma at the top of his game with inventive arrangements and his strongest songwriting to date. Tracklist: 01. Been So Long 02. There's A Bright Side Somewhere 03. Cracks In The Finish 04. Another Man Done A Full Go Round 05. Trouble In Mind 06. Izze's Lullaby 07. More Than My Old Guitar 08. Nashville Blues 09. A Walk With Friends 10. Operator 11....

Temat: Amplitube
...piece gitarowe i efekty, o najwyższej jakości symulacji brzmienia. - 14 prempów i 14 modeli EQ - 7 modeli wzmacniaczy - 16 modeli obudów - 6 modeli mikrofonów - 21 modeli efektów nożnych - 11 efektów rakowych - tuner o wysokiej precyzji - 2 łańuchy gitarowe The most popular guitar amp and effects modeling software raises the standard to an unprecedented level of high-quality emulation and extreme flexibility, for crafting the ultimate guitar tone. 14 Preamp and 14 EQ models 7 Power-Amp models 16 Cabinet models 6 Microphone models 21 Stomp Effect models 11 Rack Effect models High-precision Tuner 2 Guitar rig chains Plug-In and Standalone version Complete Guitar Amp modeling solution and Guitar Effects powerhouse. AmpliTube 2 offers everything needed to craft your own signature guitar tones with 5 separate modules including...

Temat: Cabal Online vs Silkroad Online
...pety (atakujące i zbierające itemy) - konie są jednorazowe... niektorym to pasuje lecz mi niebardzo - dużo turków i rasizmu. - Długie logowanie bo servy są Crowded (niektorzy mysla ze w silku jest jeszcze duzo botow.... to nieprawda!!! co inspekcje masowo banują boty !!!) Cabal + super skille + "Dungeony" + System Combo + Pelerynki i super wygląd zbroji + dosyc ciekawy grind i duzo questow + ciekawy crafting - Małe mapki - skillowanie... (niektorzy lubia) - niedziałajacy pet system

Temat: stray bristles from street cleaners...
Witam, Proszę o pomoc w tłumaczeniu takiego fragmentu: There were a group of guys that would gather regularly and wander the streets at night, finding stray bristles from street cleaners and crafting them into makeshift lockpick sets. They would hone their skills on whatever doors they could find around campus, never doing harm. Nie mogę zrozumieć o co chodzi w tym kawałku. Jeśli ktoś go rozumie, będę niezwykle wdzięczny za wyjaśnienie. Pozdrawiam, Radosław Meryk

Temat: Absurdu i zachet cd
Dear Fellow We as individuals must now respond to the attacks on our nation September 11. Our leaders in Washington are crafting a military and political course of action.  We, the people, must have our own plan in hand. I think we can all agree that the terrorists targeted the World Trade Center to damage, if not cripple our economy. They hoped to create chaos on Wall Street and destroy the financial heart of our nation. They probably hoped that the disruption would foster panic and possibly bring about the collapse of our country. Let us prove those terrorists and their masters...

Temat: ozdoby bożonarodzeniowe - jaką książkę polecacie?
linki może kogoś zainspirują: crafting-with-kids-christmas-decoration.html

Temat: McCain's VP - Sarah Palin
...They can have their party. I will vote for Democrats and little L libertarians and isolationists until the crazy people aren’t running the GOP. The threat of higher taxes in the short term isn’t enough to keep me from voting out crazy people and voting for sane people with whom I merely disagree regarding policy. Hillarycare doesn’t scare me as much as Frank Gaffney having a line to the person with the nuclear football or Dobson and company crafting domestic policy. That is why the Republican party is in shambles. The majority of us have decided that the movers and shakers in the GOP and the blogospheric right are certified lunatics who, in a decent and sane society, we would have in controlled environments in rocking chairs under shade trees for most of the day, wheeled in at night for tapioca pudding and some karaoke. Filed under: Politics, Republican Stupidity | A moze on tez...

Temat: Gry MMORPG
A ja polecę darmowego Perfect World super grafa, pvp, crafting.

Temat: Mu, Tibia, Metin
World of Warcraft? Wg. mnie najlepsza w tym gatunku, szczegolnie jak znajdziesz zgrana ekipe i bedziesz aktywny we wszystkich aspektach gry (PvE, PvP, crafting, kolekcjonowanie itd.)

Temat: moje torby :-)
.... Ciekawa jestem Waszych opinii. Szycie jest moją pasją. Tworzeniem toreb zajęłam się stosunkowo niedawno, narazie są to proste formy, ale czuję, że dopiero sie rozkręcam :). Jestem żywym przykładem na to, że hobby (bo jestem kompletnym samoukiem!) może stać się sposobem na życie i jeśli jest ktoś, kto właśnie waha się, czy podjąć te pewnego rodzaju ryzyko i robić to, co lubi się najbardziej (sewing & crafting ;-)) - przekazuję mu pozytywną energię, którą ktoś kiedyś też mnie natchnął... Pozdrawiam ciepło, Ania ps. p.Magdo, jeśli uzna Pani ten post za niestosowną reklamę proszę go po prostu skasować :-).

Temat: median 2008(diablo2)
Witam, zainstalowalem niedawno median 2008, na najnowsza wersje diablo 2. a moj problem brzmi tak: mam 'flawless gem' wszelkiej masci(amethyst, shappire etc.) i nie moge tego polaczyc w perfy, czy tam ma byc rowno 50 Crafting Points ?? bo mam z pierscionkow 51, niestety rownej liczby nie moglem utrafic jakos. lista "sposobow" jakie wyprobowalem: 2flawles..3...4..5..6flawles;P 51craft+2flawles, 51craft+1flawles, 51craft+6flawles. w czym tkwi problem?

Temat: World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Guide
...face new challenges and opportunities in the World of Warcraft expansion. Employ class-specific tactics and leveling hints from beta veterans to master them. Be a step ahead of the rest of your server with the class specific insiders provided in this chapter. New Profession Guides: Want to make a fortune with Jewelcrafting? Then you better be quick and know what you are doing. Together with recipes, specialization advice and ability overviews for this and other crafting skills the World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Guide lays the foundation to make you filthy rich. Burning Crusade Reputations: Making faction and reputation mistakes while grinding or questing can cost you a lot of time down the road. The WoW Burning Crusade Strategy Guide explains everything about alliance, horde and neutral factions, how to increase your standing with each of them and how to avoid costly mistakes. Find out what alternate...

Temat: Przychylniej do nielegalnych w USA
Przychylniej do nielegalnych w USA Hehe :) Tym razem dobre wiadomosci dla nielegalnych, jak to wczesniej stwierdzil jeden dyskutant,stany frontem do nielegala......... WASHINGTON - Americans born after Dec. 1, 1964, will have to get more secure driver's licenses in the next six years under ambitious post-9/11 security rules to be unveiled Friday by federal officials. The Homeland Security Department has spent years crafting the final regulations for the REAL ID Act, a law designed to make it harder for terrorists, illegal immigrants and con artists to get government-issued identification. The effort once envisioned to take effect in 2008 has been pushed back in the hopes of winning over skeptical state officials. "We worked very closely with the states in terms of developing a plan that I think will be inexpensive, reasonable to implement and produce...

Temat: Kirigami -prośba
To pewnie znasz? crafting/article/0,1789,HGTV_3352_1582017,00.html Google wyrzucają 49,800 dla zapytania kirigami, fakt, trzeba by pooglądać. Akurat nie mam książki "Kirigami" do odstąpienia :) widziałam ją raz na Allegro.

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