crompton\'s mule


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Temat: limeryki naukowe
...whales. In whaling days Temple was king, His harpoon had a terrible sting, It made sad predations, On the noble cetaceans, And extinction it nearly did bring. Garret A. Morgan, an African-American inventor, patented a forerunner of the modern traffic signal in 1923. Morgan's ideas were so great, 'Though he suffered racism and hate, An invention that's vexing, And sometimes perplexing, His revenge is our traffic light wait. Crompton's mule was one of the machines that revolutionized the production of cloth in the eighteenth century. Crompton invented the mule, A serious yarn spinning tool, It put many poor slobs, Right out of their jobs, And today this is still the rule. Louis Pasteur is well known for his development and first human use of the rabies vaccine on July 6, 1885. His lesser-known early work was in optical isomers, compounds that twist light left or...

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